

作者:Couture G, et al. 译者:河北保定解放军252医院刘旭 来源:中国风湿病公众论坛 日期:2018-02-17



        附原文:Anumber ofmedicationspromote the development of calciumpyrophosphate deposition disease (CPDD). Wereport 2 cases of acute CPDD after intravenous zoledronic acid therapy. Case #1:a 63-year-old female was admitted for vertebroplasty at the site of anosteoporotic fracture. She received an intravenous infusion of zoledronic acid5 mg on the day after the procedure. Acute CPDD developed in her right knee 24hours later. Findings from joint aspiration and standard radiography confirmedthe diagnosis. Case #2:this 79-year-old woman had a history of CPDD was onglucocorticoid and hydroxychloroquine therapy for lupus. She was given anintravenous infusion of zoledronic acid 5 mg as prophylaxis of glucocorticoidinduced osteoporosis. Joint pain and a fever developed later on the sameday.After 5 days, she had arthritis of the right wrist, laboratory evidence ofsystemic inflammation, and hypocalcemia. Radiographs showed evidence of CPDD. AMedline search identified 6 cases of bisphosphonate-related CPDD, including 2due to pamidronate, 2 to etidronate, 1 to alendronic acid, and 1 to neridronicacid. The features were similar to those in our patients, with a shorttime toonset, systemic inflammation in many cases, a tendency toward hypocalcemia, andradiographs that often showed evidence of CPDD. Bisphosphonate-induced CPDD isa rare eventuality that should nevertheless be borne in mind byrheumatologists. Also, in patients with CPDD while taking bisphosphonatetherapy, a role for the drug in the symptoms should be considered.

        引自:Couture G, Delzor F, Bagheri H, et al.First cases of calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease after zoledronic acidtherapy[J]. Joint Bone Spine, 2016, 84(2).




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